Michelle Ong Hendrick
Director · Teacher · Actor
A Christmas Carol Belle/Mrs. Fred Hartford Stage Michael Wilson (dir.)
(14 seasons, 1998-2011)
Is He Dead? (reading) Cecile Leroux Hartford Stage Hana Sharif
The Laramie Project:
10 Years Later (reading) Various Hartford Stage Max Williams
The Fever Chart
(workshop) Narrator Hartford Stage Jeremy Cohen
The Laramie Project Romaine TheatreWorks Rob Ruggerio
Macbeth Lady Macduff/ Hartford Stage Michael Wilson
Weird Sister
Stairs to the Roof
(reading) Various Hartford Stage Tracy Brigden
Necessary Targets Seada Hartford Stage Michael Wilson
The Milk Train Doesn’t
Stop Here Anymore Simonetta Hartford Stage David Schweitzer
The Two Orphans Diane Hartford Stage Tracy Brigden
The Threepenny Opera Betty PlayMakers Bartlett Sher
As You Like It Ensemble PlayMakers Tazewell Thompson
The Nutcracker( play) Marie PlayMakers David Hammond
A Little Night Music Fredricka PlayMakers David Hammond
Cymbeline Cornelius PlayMakers Tazewell Thompson
Eracism Howard Beach Ko Festival William Pope L.
Arcadia Chloë PlayMakers David Hammond
Othello Ensemble PlayMakers David Hammond
Beauty and the Beast Ensemble PlayMakers Michael Wilson
Immunity T-Cell Ko Festival Peter Lobdell
Word! Ensemble New World Roberta Uno
Walls Vi New World Michael Birtwistle